Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Sad Day for Star Wars Geeks?

Today for the first time, I really understood how Luke felt when Darth Vader revealed that he was in fact his father. I was very shocked by the news today that not only did George Lucas sell LucasFilm to Disney for over $4 billion, but that Disney is also going to be creating three new Star Wars films -- how this was kept secret has me dumbfounded. But what does this mean to the Star Wars brand, and ultimately Star Wars franchise video games?

With the new Star Wars game 1313 being currently developed by LucasArts, I figured this would be the best way we would engage cinematically with the Star Wars universe. I actually believed Lucas when he stated that the films were complete after Episode III and that the Star Wars universe would be limited to the 3D Clone Wars cartoon, a potential live-action television show (which I guess is no more), and of course video games.

Nonetheless, video games appeared to be the way that would expressed cinematically the Star Wars mythos. With games such as Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, The Force Unleashed, and the recent Star Wars: The Old Republic, it seemed that video games enabled us fanboys to deeply immerse ourselves into Lucas' creation. And with the unveiling of gritty 1313, which is the first mature Star Wars video game, I had come to the conclusion video games would fill the void left by the movies.

But that all changed today when Disney announced the purchasing of LucasFilm. Today, we are seeing a new beginning to the Star Wars franchise. This new direction will either bring a repeat of the summer of 1999 where people camped out for weeks (and even months) just to see the new Star Wars films. Or, on the flip side, this is merely a pathetic attempt to milk as much out of the franchise as possible, and maybe, even running the entire franchise into the ground. With the upcoming future films, and with that future Star Wars licensed games, we can only hope Disney treats the Star Wars franchise with care.

Please don't ruin my beloved Star Wars. I don't want more pathetic Star Wars licensed games. What are your thoughts?

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